Giải VBT tiếng Anh 6 VNEN unit 12: Robots

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Hướng dẫn giải VBT tiếng anh 6 VNEN Unit 12: Robots - sách mới. Bộ bài tập gồm đầy đủ các phần từ vững, ngữ pháp, đọc và viết. Với cách giải chi tiết và đầy đủ, hi vọng các em sẽ nắm vững nội dung bài học và sẵn sàng cho bài mới tiếp theo. Chúc các em học tốt.

Nội dung bài gồm:

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A. Phoneitcs

1. Find the word which has a different stress pattern. Read the words aloud.

1. A. gardening B. laundry

C. recognize D. opinion

2. A. minor B. planet

C. event D. robot

3. A. appliance B. journey

C. award D. career

4. A. pollute B. palace

C. planet D. modern

5. A. reduce B. station

C. regard D. reuse


  • 1. D. opinion 2. C. event
  • 3. B. journey 4. A. pollute 5. B. station

2. Put the words in the box into two groups.

town coin cloud noun house

oil boy noisy toy shout

/ ɔɪ /

/ aʊ /


coin /kɔɪn/town /taʊn/
oil /ɔɪl/cloud /klaʊd/
boy /bɔɪ/noun /naʊn/
noisy /ˈnɔɪzi/shout /ʃaʊt/
toy /tɔɪ/house /haʊs/

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B. Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Find the odd A, B, C or D

1. A. playing B. singing

C. climbing D. morning

2. A. guitar B. piano

C. football D. violin

3. A. game B. badminton

C. volleyball D. tennis

4. A. useful B. robot

C. comfortable D. amazing

5. A. improve B. help

C. climb D. space


  • 1. D. morning 2. C. football
  • 3. A. game 4. B. robot 5. D. space

2. Circle A, B, C, or D for each picture.

1. Ro bots can ................ now

A. lif heavey things

B. climb the moutains

C. Make coffee

D. do sums

2. I want my robor to help me.........

A. read stories

B. cook the meals

C. do garderning

D. clean the floors

3. Now, people use robots in ..........

A. teaching English

B. doing dangerous things

C. taking care of the children

D. helping sick people

4. I like the robot that can.......

A. comb my hair

B. play the guitar when i am bored

C. bring drink when i am thirsty

D. wake me up in the morning


  • 1. A. lift heavy things 2. D. clean the floor
  • 3. B. doing dangerous things
  • 4. C. bring drink when I am thirsty

3. Put the verbs into correct tense to finish the following passage.

A robot cannot think or (1. do) ……… things alone. People use a computer (2. control) ………… it. Today, robots ( ……….. rather popular because they are very useful.

Robots can help us to save a lot of time at work. A robot can lift heavy things, build houses and (4. make) ………….. cars in factories. Robots can do the housework like (5. clean) ……….. the floors, making tea or coffee, doing the washing up, washing clothes, etc.

In the future, robots will be able to talk to people, (6. guard) ……….. our houses, look after, our children when we ( ……… away. Rob s will be able (8. play) ………. sports and games with us and even (9. drive) …………. a car when you are drunk of tired. Robots will be able to do many more complicated things and ( ……….. almost everything instead of us. But one thing robots won’t be able to do is to think like humans.


  • (1) do (2) to control (3) are
  • (4) make (5) deaning (6) guard
  • (7) are (8) to pay ( 9) drive
  • (10) do

4. Fill each blank with can, can’t, could, couldn’t, will be able to or won’t be able to.

1. Robots can’t talk now. In the future they ……………. to talk to people.

2. In the part, robots …………… make coffee but they can now,

3. My younger brother ………….. do sums when he was 5.

4. My sister ……………….. read until she was 6.

5. ……………. you speak English fluently and quickly?

6. I …………… write letters to my English friend.

7. I like teaching robots. They ………. help us study better.

8. Robots …………… guard the houses in the future.

9. …………….. robots lift heavy things some years ago?

10. In the future, robots ……………… understand what we say.


  • 1. will be able 6. can

  • 2. couldn't 7. can

  • 3. could 8. will be able to

  • 4. couldn't 9. could

  • 5. can 10. will be able to

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C. Reading

1. Read the following passage and choose the suitable word to fill in each blank.

control turn change make use

Scientists predict the places and the ways we live will (1) ……. a lot in the future.

Our houses in the future will be larger and more eco-friendly. Around our houses, there will be a lot of green trees. We will only (2) ……… wind energy or solar energy instead of electricity in our houses.

We will be able to (3) ……… our future houses with our voices. We can sit at one place and order everything we want. For example, when it is dark, we will ask to (4) …….. the lights or TV when we want to watch a program on it. It will (5) ………. our lives more comfortable and more interesting.


  • (1) change (2) use (3) control
  • (4) turn on (5) make

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Life in the future will be far better than it is today. People will be able to live in a cleaner environment, breathe fresher air and eating healthier food. Robots will be able to do most of the work in factories and they will be able to do all the dangerous things for us. More people will be able to work from home on computers so there won’t be any traffic jams. Cars will be with us but they will be able to run solar energy instead of petrol. Robots will be able to interact with people. They will be able to do almost everything for us at home.

1. What will life in the future be like?


2. Will people be able to live in a cleaner or dirtier environment?


3. Will robots be able to do most of the work in factories for us?


4. Why won’t there be any traffic jams?


5. Will robots be able to talk to people?



  • 1. Life in the future will be far better than it is today.
  • 2. People will be able to live in a cleaner environment.
  • 3. Yes, they will.
  • 4. There won't be any traffic jams because more people will be able to work from home on computers.
  • 5. Yes, they will.

3. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage.

Many people (1) ……….. attending the international robot show in Ho Chi Minh City today. Young people are very interested (2)………… home robots. These robots can cook, (3) ……….. coffee and tea, make bed, do the washing up clean the floors and toilets and do the gardening.

The children like teaching robots. These robots can help students (4)…….. Teaching robots (5)………..teach students mathematics, music and other subjects. They can help children speak, write, read and listen English (6)……… Adults like worker robots (7)…………they can build houses, big buildings and bridges and they can build cars, doctor robots can help to find oụt the diseases for sick people and space robots can build space stations (8)……… the Moon.

1. A. will be

B. is

C. are

2. A. at

B. in

C. for

3. A. makes

B. make

C. making

4. A. study

B. studies

C. studying

5. A. will

B. can

C. could

6. A. good

B. well

C. quick

7. A. that

B. so

C. because

8. A. in

B. on

C. at


  • 1. C. are 2. B. in 3. B. make

  • 4. A. study 5. B. can 6. B. well

  • 7. C. because 8. B. on

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D. Writing

1. Make sentences / questions using the words and phrases given.

Example: I / can / see / cow / over / there.

=> I can see a cow over there.

1. in / do / past / robots / could / very / simple / things /.


2. read / and / write / Lan / was / 6/?


3. robots / can / understand / what / we / say / ?


4. robots / be / able / do / many / things / like / humans/


5. you / be / able / turn / TV / on / by / your / voice / near / future /.



  • 1. In the past robots could do very simple things.
  • 2. Could Lan read and write when she was 6?
  • 3. Can robots understand what we say?
  • 4. Robots will be able to do many things like humans.
  • 5. You will be able to turn on TV by your voice in the near future.

2. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above.

Example: I don’t have a robot in my house.

=> There isn’t a robot in my house.

1. My father bought this robot from Japan last week.

=> We have had …………………............

2. I won’t be able to do everything myself unless I have a modern robot.

=> If I don’t have ……………………………

3. Minh likes teaching robots very much

=> Minh is very interested in ………………

4. The robot in my house can clean the floors very well.

=> The robot in my house is a very good …………………………

5. In the future, robots will be able to do all the dangerous things for people.

=> People won’t have to ……………………………………………………


  • 1. We have had this Japanese robot since last week.
  • 2. If I don't have a modern robot, I won't be able to do everything myself.
  • 3. Minh is very interested in teaching robots.
  • 4. The robot in my house is a very good cleaner. .
  • 5. People won't have to do all the dangerous things in the

3. Complete the following conversation.

Mai: What (1) …………………………………………, Lien ?

Lien: I’m cleaning the floors.

Mai: Do you clean them every day?

Lien: Yes. (2) …………………………………..………..?

Mai: No. The robot can do it for me.

Lien: What ? You are joking!

Mai: No. My father has just bought a robot. It can clean the floors.

Lien: (3) …………………………………………………………?

Mai: It can turn on the lights and TV.

Lien: Oh, really?

Mai: And it (4) ………………………..…………. me to wake up in the morning

Lien: Wonderful.

Mai: I hope in the future my robot (5) ……………….……………. do everything for me!


  • (1) are you doing
  • (2) Do you clean the floors
  • (3) What else can it do
  • (4) can help (5) will be able to do

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Cập nhật: 08/09/2021
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