Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 6: Reading

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Hướng dẫn giải unit 6: Reading. Đây là phần bài tập nằm trong SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success được biên soạn theo chương trình đổi mới của Bộ giáo dục. Hi vọng, với cách hướng dẫn cụ thể và giải chi tiết học sinh sẽ làm bài tốt hơn.

Question 1: Match the New Year activities with the countries in the box. Make a guess if you don't know.

Scotland the USA Chile Denmark Thailand Korea

In which country do people ...?


1. Thailand 2. Denmark 3. Scotland

4. Korea 5. Chile 6. The USA

Question 2: Read about strange New Year's practices in some countries. Then tick (✓) T (True) or F (False).

Denmark - Some people have a loud way of celebrating the New Year. They throw plates on their friends' doors. The people with many dishes outside their doors feel proud because they have a lot of friends.

The USA - It's a tradition in America to share a midnight kiss with someone you love. This will make the coming year beautiful and full of love for you.

Chile - In Chile people participate in a mass on New Year's Eve. Then they go to the graveyard, sit on their chairs and wait for the New Year with the dead.

Korea - On New Year's days, children wear a Hanbok, a traditional Korean dress, make one bow to their elders and wish them a long and healthy life. In return, they receive advice and some money.


1. T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F

Question 3: Read the passages again and complete the sentences with the words / phrases given in the box.

midnight kiss children Chileans break Hanbok

1. The ______ go to the graveyard on New Year's Eve.

2. A _____ will bring a New Year full of love.

3. The Danish ______ plates on their friends' doors at the New Year.

4. Korean children wear a _____ at the New Year.

5. The Korean elders give_____ their advice and some money.


1. Chileans 2. midnight kiss 3. break 4. Hanbok 5. children

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Cập nhật: 08/09/2021